Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Oh, my! I didn't even realize that I already had a blog.  As you can see much time has passed since I posted here last.  I am still knitting baby sweaters and jackets and doing a little sewing.  I now have 2 new granddaughters, 2 great grandsons, and a great granddaughter.  Of course, I already had a grandson and granddaughter.  I also have a smattering of great nieces and nephews.  I love my growing family and imagine I will include my escapades with them in my blog.  These are my Great Grandchildren: Hunter, Cobin and Hadleigh.

These are pictures of my granddaughters Alexandra and Mae.  They are bigger now.  I will have to find some newer pictures.
I am now retired and have found great enjoyment in taking pictures of birds.  In the beginning I took pictures mostly from my windows and deck.  Now I am going to the parks with my dog and camera.  the first time I tried to take a picture of a bluebird it came out all blurry and I cried.  My wonderful husband promised me I would have more chances to get their pictures and I have had great fun taking them.  I need to learn more about taking pictures in the manual mode, but have to get up my nerve ;)

Most of my hiking is done with family, dog and camera.  Maybe this year I will do more. Well, that's all for now.  Oh, I finally have gotten into the de-junking! hahahaha