Friday, September 4, 2009

Well so much for de-junking my house!!! But then the year isn't over yet is it. I have completed two infant jackets since I posted last. And we have a new Dog that I am trying to train to get a good citizen certificate or something like that. She is 1 yr old and thinks that some of the activities are stupid! But, she aims to please.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Puttering around

My last company left today and I'm off work until Monday. So I decided to work on my knitting project which I started yesterday. However, I found myself puttering around and "undecorating" the house, packing up the ornaments and taking down the tree, putting it out on the deck for disposal on a nicer day. (It was drizzling and sleeting this morning, however, the sun came out this afternoon.) BUT, by the time the sun came out I was tired! Puttering takes alot of energy. I have had an awsome holiday, relaxing and fun. Lots of family, friends. I think I will play some snood, get supper and then work on my knitting in front of the TV. I'll finish the "undecorating" tomorrow.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Year's Day 2009

It is a sunny cold day today. The perfect start to the new year. This year I want to dejunk my house-perhaps clean out as if I am moving into a smaller house (without the moving!). I also want to do more crafts and hiking etc. :)